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Spare parts for generator- UPS- and emergency power installations
We have more than 20,000 items numbers in stock, which can be delivered immediately and we provide non-stocked spare parts at short notice.
Downtime can therefore be handled quickly there minimize costs as the installation with emergency power is quickly up and running again.
All installations supplied by PM ENERGI are documented and archived so that full traceability is available.
For other systems, we can obtain the correct spare parts in short notice from information about type and serial number.
We have spare parts in stock from the following reputable manufacturers:
- Bernard
- Caterpillar
- Cummins Generator Technologies
- Detroit
- Deutz
- Doosan
- Dorman
- FG Wilson
- John Deere
- Kohler
- Leroy Somer
- Lister-Petter
- Marelli
- MeccAlte
- Mercedes/MTU
- Mirrlees Blackstone
- Mitsubishi
- Perkins
- Scania
- Stamford
- Volvo Penta